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Costing your order

Our prices have been consistent for the past few years, but we never know when we might have to change them so here we will give you a guide to what effects the pricing.

Number of Prints
We can handle orders as small as 10 pieces, or over 5000 depending on your requirements. The more you order, the lower the cost per unit/piece.

Number of Colours
Adding more colours to the design increases the price, making keeping colours to a minimum cost effective, however we can print as many colours as your design requires.

Type of garment or product
More difficult to print, pack, and handle products tend to have a higher price band. Baseball caps being lowest, trolley cases, kaginabags' among others increasing the pricing.

On top of the cost per piece, their is a flat charge of £20 per colour.
It covers the cost of setting up colour separated positives and screens or lithographic plates that we use in the print process. If you think you will be re-ordering the job, we can store the screen for future use at customer request, this can save you the cost of setting up the same job twice.